ACMI Lab | Riccardo Fogliato
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Riccardo Fogliato, PhD Student

I am a fifth-year PhD student in Statistics at Carnegie Mellon University, advised by Alexandra Chouldechova and Zachary Lipton. This summer I have been an intern at Microsoft Research working with Besmira Nushi and Kori Inkpen. Last year, I spent seven months working as a research fellow at the Partnership on AI. Before joining CMU for my graduate studies, I was a student at the Collegio Carlo Alberto and at the University of Torino, where I completed the master's thesis under the supervision of Matteo Ruggiero. I received my ungraduate degree from the University of Padova, with an Erasmus exchange at ENS Cachan. I am broadly interested in the application of statistical machine learning methods to the social sciences. My current research is driven by the following two questions: (i) How does sampling bias affect the data on which risk assessment instruments are trained and evaluated? What are its consequences? (ii) How do experts integrate the recommendations made by risk assessment instruments into their decision-making processes?

Research Interests: Statistics, Machine Learning, Fairness, Human Computer Interaction, Criminal Justice
