Research Interests: Pickled Herring, Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence
PhD Student
Research Interests: Statistical Machine Learning, Robustness, Knowledge Graphs, ML for Healthcare
PhD Student
Research Interests: AI Safety, Fairness, ML for Healthcare
PhD Student
Research Interests: Machine Learning for Healthcare
PhD Student
Research Interests: Meta-Learning, Reinforcement Learning
PhD Student
Research Interests: Robustness, Human-in-the-loop Learning
PhD Student
Research Interests: Causality, Machine Learning for Healthcare
PhD Student
Research Interests: Human-aligned ML, Causality, Decision-making
PhD Student
Research Interests: philosophy of ML, ML in science, ML ethics
PhD Student
Research Interests: Fairness in Machine Learning, AI for Social Good, Music Information Retrieval, Participatory Machine Learning, GenAI Evaluation
PhD Student
Research Interests: Statistical methodology, Fairness in machine learning, Machine learning in high-stakes decision settings
PhD Student
Research Interests: Trustworthy ML, Domain Generalization and Adaptation, Science of Deep Learning
PhD Student
Research Interests: Robustness, Distribution Shift, NLP
PhD Student
Research Interests: Machine Learning for Healthcare, Temporal Representation Learning, Interpretability, Reinforcement Learning
PhD Student
Research Interests: Causal Inference, Decision-making
PhD Student
Research Interests: Deep Learning Theory, Generative Modeling
MS Student
Research Interests: RL, Imitation Learning, Risk-Aversion, Safety
MS Student
Research Interests: Machine Learning for Healthcare, NLP
MS Student
Research Interests: Human-Centered AI, Generalization and Robustness, Multimodal ML, Science of Deep Learning
MS Student
Research Interests:
MS Student
Research Interests: Distribution Shifts, Reinforcement Learning, NLP
MS Student
Research Interests: Robustness, Distribution Shift
MS Student
Research Interests: Machine Learning for Healthcare
Current Gig: Google
Current Gig: Google
Current Gig: University of Washington
Current Gig: Assistant Professor, IISc
Current Gig: Salesforce Research
Current Gig: Federation of American Scientists
Current Gig: Arthur AI
Current Gig: Research Scientist at Apple AIML
Current Gig: Twitter
Current Gig: Google
Current Gig:
Current Gig: Facebook
Current Gig: Amazon
Current Gig: PhD Student @ Stanford University
Current Gig: PhD Student, Princeton
Current Gig: Assistant Professor of Philosophy and CS at Northeastern
Current Gig: Two Sigma
Current Gig: PhD Student, UCSD